At the Capitol

Rachel Zenzinger was re-elected to a second term in the State Senate in 2020 and has garnered a reputation for her dedicated commitment to seeking bipartisan solutions. She takes pride in her focus on crafting legislation that meets the needs of Senate District 19. To view a current list of 2024 session bills, scroll down.


In 2022, Sen. Zenzinger was elected by her caucus to Chair the Joint Budget Committee, a six-member bicameral, bipartisan committee devoted to formulating the state budget. In 2024, she turned the gavel over to Rep. Bird and now serves as Vice Chair. Sen. Zenzinger also serves as Vice Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee. Additionally, Sen. Zenzinger serves on the Colorado Commission on Higher Education.

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In the 2024 legislative session, Sen Zenzinger was the prime sponsor of 102 pieces of legislation, including 13 Senate bills, 87 House bills, and two resolutions. She received bipartisan support on 99% of the bills she sponsored, and Republicans co-sponsored 98% of her bills. Forty percent of her bills passed unanimously. Scroll down to view the full list of bills below or click on the link.

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Sen. Zenzinger sponsored bills in the 2024 session that addressed issues ranging from education funding and small business loans, to housing and food pantry assistance. The main areas of legislation that Sen. Zenzinger supported this session include education, housing, and economic recovery. As a member of the Joint Budget Committee, she sponsored the state budget and the School Finance Act.

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 2024 Legislation

Senate Bills

SB24-008 Kinship Foster Care Homes: Concerning increasing support for kinship foster care homes.

SB24-016 Tax Credits for Contributions via Intermediaries: Concerning qualification for state income tax credits for charitable contributions to nonprofit organizations, and, in connection therewith, authorizing a taxpayer to make a charitable contribution for which the taxpayer may claim a state income tax credit to a charitable recipient organization through a qualified intermediary that forwards the contribution to the charitable recipient organization and allowing a tax credit certificate for the Colorado homeless contribution tax credit to include only the last four digits, rather than all digits, of a taxpayer's social security number.

SB24-051 Adult Education: Concerning modifications to enhance adult education in Colorado.

SB24-070 Remote Testing & Online Education Programs: Concerning allowing online education programs to offer remote state assessment testing to students who attend online education programs.

SB24-106 Right to Remedy Construction Defects: Concerning legal actions based on claimed defects in construction projects.

SB24-132 Evaluation Protections & Educators: Concerning extending evaluation protections to all educators.

SB24-143 Credential Quality Apprenticeship Classification: Concerning credential assessment tools, and, in connection therewith, integrating frameworks for nondegree credential evaluation and classification into state education and workforce systems and aligning stackable credential pathways and apprenticeship programs with international classification standards.

SB24-170 America 250 - Colorado 150 Commission: Concerning the America 250 - Colorado 150 commission.

SB24-174 Sustainable Affordable Housing Assistance: Concerning state support for sustainable affordable housing, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

SB24-188 Public School Finance: Concerning the financing of public schools.

SB24-191 Host Homes for Youth: Concerning the operation of host homes for youth.

SB24-215 Modify Effective Date of House Bill 24-1421: Concerning modification of the effective date of House Bill 24-1421.

SB24-217 Office of Administrative Services for Independent Agencies: Concerning the repeal and reenactment of the law enacted by Senate Bill 23-228 that created the office of administrative services for independent agencies in the judicial department.

Senate Resolution

SR24-003 Single Parent Day: Concerning the recognition of Single Parent Day.

Senate Joint Resolution

SJR24-019 Colorado Youth Entrepreneurship Awareness Week: Concerning Colorado Youth Entrepreneurship Awareness Week.

House Bills

HB24-1012 Front Range Passenger Rail District Efficiency: Concerning the operational efficiency of the front range passenger rail district.

HB24-1017 Bill of Rights for Foster Youth: Concerning a bill of rights for youth in foster care.

HB24-1089 Vehicle Electronic Notifications: Concerning the use of electronic notifications for vehicle transactions.

HB24-1146 Medicaid Provider Suspension for Organized Fraud: Concerning authorizing the department of health care policy and financing to suspend a provider's enrollment if the provider is participating in an organized fraud scheme.

HB24-1156 Chamber of Commerce Alcohol Special Event Permit: Concerning authorization to hold special events where substances that minors are prohibited from purchasing are served.

HB24-1160 Economic Development Organization Action Grant Program: Concerning the creation of the economic development organization action grant program.

HB24-1180 Department of Agriculture Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of agriculture.

HB24-1181 Department of Corrections Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of corrections.

HB24-1182 Department of Early Childhood Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of early childhood.

HB24-1183 Department of Education Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of education.

HB24-1184 Department of Governor, Lt Governor, & OSPB Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the offices of the governor, lieutenant governor, and state planning and budgeting.

HB24-1185 Department of Health Care Policy & Financing Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of health care policy and financing.

HB24-1186 Department of Higher Education Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of higher education.

HB24-1187 Department of Human Services Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of human services.

HB24-1188 Judicial Department Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the judicial department.

HB24-1189 Department of Labor & Employment Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of labor and employment.

HB24-1190 Department of Law Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of law.

HB24-1191 Legislative Department Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of legislature.

HB24-1192 Department of Local Affairs Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of local affairs.

HB24-1193 Department of Military Affairs Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of military and veterans affairs.

HB24-1194 Department of Natural Resources Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of natural resources. 

HB24-1195 Department of Personnel Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of personnel.

HB24-1196 Department of Public Health & Environment Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of public health and environment.

HB24-1197 Department of Public Safety Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of public safety.

HB24-1198 Department of Regulatory Agencies Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of regulatory agencies.

HB24-1199 Department of Revenue Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of revenue.

HB24-1200 Department of State Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of state.

HB24-1201 Department of Transportation Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of transportation.

HB24-1202 Department of Treasury Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of the treasury.

HB24-1203 Capital Construction Supplemental: Concerning funding for capital construction, and making supplemental appropriations in connection therewith. 

HB24-1204 Capital Construction Information Technology: Concerning funding for capital construction information technology, and making supplemental appropriations in connection therewith.

HB24-1205 Colorado Imagination Library Program: Concerning modifications to the Colorado imagination library program to enhance early childhood literacy.

HB24-1206 School Food Authorities: Concerning including certain schools as types of school food authorities, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

HB24-1207 Adjustments to School Funding Budget Year 2023-24: Concerning adjustments to school funding for the 2023-24 budget year, and, in connection therewith, reducing an appropriation.

HB24-1209 America 250 - Colorado 150 Cash Fund: Concerning creation of the America 250 - Colorado 150 cash fund.

HB24-1210 Higher Education Longitudinal Data System Report Deadline: Concerning extending the deadline for the Colorado commission on higher education's statewide longitudinal data system report, and, in connection therewith, extending a related existing appropriation. 

HB24-1211 State Funding for Senior Services Contingency Fund: Concerning the establishment of the state funding for senior services contingency reserve fund, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

SB24-1213 General Fund Transfer Judicial Collection Enhancement: Concerning a transfer from the general fund to the judicial collection enhancement fund.

HB24-1235 Reduce Aviation Impacts on Communities: Concerning measures to reduce the impact of aviation on surrounding communities.

HB24-1264 Supporting the Educator Workforce: Concerning supporting the educator workforce in Colorado.

HB24-1266 Local Government Utility Relocation in Right-of-Way: Concerning the relocation of utility facilities in a local government right-of-way.

HB24-1276 Sunset Process Commission Deaf Hard of Hearing Deafblind: Concerning the continuation of the Colorado commission for the deaf, hard of hearing, and deafblind, and, in connection therewith, implementing the recommendations contained in the 2023 sunset report by the department of regulatory agencies.

HB24-1290 Student Educator Stipend Program: Concerning an appropriation to reduce financial barriers for students entering the educator workforce through the student educator stipend program.

HB24-1326 Bingo-Raffle Licensing Sunset Review: Concerning continuation under the sunset law of the licensing of certain games of chance including bingo, and, in connection therewith, implementing the recommendations of the 2023 sunset report of the department of regulatory agencies.

HB24-1340 Incentives for Post-Secondary Education: Concerning the creation of incentives against the state income tax for students pursuing post-secondary credentials.

HB24-1376 Expand Teacher Mentorships: Concerning measures to increase teacher mentorships in public schools.

HB24-1384 Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics: Concerning applying for federal grants related to certified community behavioral health clinics.

HB24-1388 Transfers to the Nurse Home Visitor Program Fund: Concerning an increase in the percentage of money transferred to the nurse home visitor program fund from the tobacco litigation settlement cash fund, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

HB24-1389 School Funding 2023-24 for New Arrival Students: Concerning providing funding to schools in the 2023-24 budget year for increases in pupil enrollment after the 2023-24 budget year pupil enrollment count day, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

HB24-1391 Appropriation Authority Educator Licensure Cash Fund: Concerning extending the continuous appropriation authority for the educator licensure cash fund.

HB24-1393 Accelerating Concurrent Enrollment Program Modifications: Concerning measures to reduce the cost of the accelerating students through concurrent enrollment program, and, in connection therewith, making and reducing an appropriation.

HB24-1394 Mill Levy Equalization: Concerning funding for charter school institute mill levy equalization, and, in connection therewith, increasing and decreasing appropriations.

HB24-1395 Public School Capital Construction Assistance Fund Transfer Date: Concerning delaying a transfer from the marijuana tax cash fund to the public school capital construction assistance fund, and, in connection therewith, reducing an appropriation.

HB24-1397 Creative Industries Cash Fund Transfer: Concerning cash funds that provide funding for the creative industries division in the office of economic development.

HB24-1400 Medicaid Eligibility Procedures: Concerning medicaid eligibility procedures.

HB24-1401 Appropriation to the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing for Denver Health: Concerning making an appropriation to the department of health care policy and financing for payments to the Denver health and hospital authority.

HB24-1402 Evaluation of Colorado Department of Higher Education Information Technology: Concerning an evaluation of the department of higher education's information technology functions and services by the office of information technology, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

HB24-1403 Higher Education Support Homeless Youth: Concerning postsecondary education support for students experiencing housing disruptions in high school, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

HB24-1404 Financial Aid Appropriation Alignment: Concerning an exception for appropriations of less than two million dollars in new legislation to the requirement that appropriation increases for student financial aid align with appropriation increases to institutions of higher education.

HB24-1405 Higher Education Special Education Services Funding Medicaid Match: Concerning the increased money received pursuant to the federal "Families First Coronavirus Response Act" used for health services at the university of Colorado, and, in connection therewith, reducing an appropriation.

HB24-1407 Community Food Assistance Provider Grant Program: Concerning the creation of the community food assistance provider grant program, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

HB24-1408 Expenditures for Care Assistance Programs: Concerning expenditures for care assistance programs, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

HB24-1409 Employment-Related Funding & Workforce Enterprise: Concerning the funding of employment-related services in the state through the department of labor and employment, and, in connection therewith, making and reducing appropriations.

HB24-1410 Changes to Just Transition Office: Concerning administrative changes to the just transition office in the department of labor and employment.

HB24-1411 Increase in Property Tax Exemption Filing Fees: Concerning an increase in the amount of fees paid to the property tax exemption fund for filing property tax exemption forms.

HB24-1414 Repeal COVID Heroes Collaboration Fund: Concerning repealing the COVID heroes collaboration fund, and, in connection therewith, transferring the balance of the fund to the general fund.

HB24-1415 State Employee Reserve Fund: Concerning the state employee reserve fund, and, in connection therewith, transferring thirty-one million one hundred sixty thousand dollars from the state employee reserve fund to the general fund.

HB24-1416 Create the Healthy Food Incentives Program: Concerning the creation of the healthy food incentives program, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

HB24-1419 Transfer to Stationary Sources Control Fund: Concerning a transfer of ten million dollars from the energy and carbon management cash fund to the stationary sources control fund.

HB24-1420 Transfer to Colorado Crime Victim Services Fund: Concerning the transfer of money from the general fund to the Colorado crime victim services fund.

HB24-1421 Modifying Public Safety Program Funding: Concerning modifying funding for grant programs administered by the division of criminal justice in the department of public safety, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

HB24-1422 Capital Renewal Project Cost Threshold: Concerning the cost threshold of controlled maintenance projects for capital renewal.

HB24-1424 College Opportunity Fund Transfer to General Fund: Concerning the transfer of one million four hundred ninety-six thousand dollars from the college opportunity fund to the general fund.

HB24-1426 Controlled Maintenance Trust Fund Transfer: Concerning transferring the balance of the controlled maintenance trust fund to the general fund.

HB24-1427 Public Employees' Retirement Association Study Conducted by an Actuarial Firm: Concerning a requirement that the state auditor retain an actuarial firm with experience in public sector pension plans to conduct a study regarding the public employees' retirement association, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

HB24-1429 Transfer from Unused State-Owned Real Property Fund: Concerning a transfer from the unused state-owned real property fund to the general fund.

HB24-1430 2024-25 Long Appropriations Bill: Concerning the provision for payment of the expenses of the executive, legislative, and judicial departments of the state of Colorado, and of its agencies and institutions, for and during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, except as otherwise noted.

HB24-1434 Expand Affordable Housing Tax Credit: Concerning an expansion to the affordable housing tax credit.

HB24-1448 New Public School Finance Formula: Concerning the creation of a modernized approach to funding public education.

HB24-1458 Create Division of Animal Welfare in Department of Agriculture: Concerning the creation of the division of animal welfare in the department of agriculture.

HB24-1462 Third-Party Audit Department of Corrections: Concerning a third-party evaluation of the department of corrections' budget practices, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

HB24-1465 Program Changes Refinance Coronavirus Recovery Funds: Concerning changes related to programs funded with money the state received from the federal coronavirus state fiscal recovery fund, and, in connection therewith, changing appropriations.

HB24-1466 Refinance Federal Coronavirus Recovery Funds: Concerning exchanging money received from the federal coronavirus state fiscal recovery fund with state money, and, in connection therewith, ensuring that money received from the federal coronavirus state fiscal recovery fund is spent in accordance with deadlines established in federal law and making and reducing appropriations.

HB24-1467 Modifications to the State Personnel Total Compensation: Concerning modifications to the state employee total compensation philosophy, and, in connection therewith, requiring the director of personnel to establish a step pay system for state employees in the state personnel system.

HB24-1468 Artificial Intelligence & Biometric Technologies: Concerning the creation of the artificial intelligence impact task force.

HB24-1469 Collections for Another Government: Concerning the classification of certain collections as collections for another government for purposes of calculating state fiscal year spending pursuant to section 20 of article X of the state constitution.

HB24-1470 Eliminate Premium Tax to Health Insurance Affordability Fund: Concerning the elimination of the allocation of a portion of premium tax revenues to the health insurance affordability cash fund.