As a former teacher, Rachel knows how important quality education is for a child’s success. Public education is a keep staple for a healthy democracy, enabling its citizens to develop their full potential. It is about both helping individuals learn and grow and creating a successful and prosperous society.
Rachel believes that our community needs a strong, equitable public education system that supports children in achieving their dreams. This means ensuring that our public schools get the resources to prepare students for entry into the 21st-century workforce. As a principal member of the Joint Budget Committee, Rachel has fought for schools to receive every available dollar, even in times of economic downturns such as this one.
On top of preserving school funding, Rachel is committed to protecting our most vulnerable kids from being overlooked. Too often, children with disabilities or from low-income backgrounds are inadequately supported in the classroom, leading to a widening opportunity gap between students. Rachel has made it her mission to make specialized training available for teachers who can assist children with disabilities; and she is always on the search for ways to add resources so that schools can help at-risk students who struggle with food-insecurity or abuse. After several years advocating for changes, she closed the funding gap for special education services with her bill SB23-099 Special Education Funding.
Every student should have the opportunity to pursue higher education without taking on mountains of debt, whether at a trade school, community college or a four-year degree program. As your Senator, Rachel has worked tirelessly to put initiatives in place that help make higher education more affordable, including allowing students to receive college credit for work experience and increasing the availability of scholarship programs across the state.
One group that particularly suffers from student debt burdens is educators themselves, and this issue has caused a massive teacher shortage in Colorado. One of Rachel’s crowning achievements in the Senate is her work to bolster the educator workforce through her bill SB21-185 Supporting Educator Workforce In Colorado – increasing the pool of quality educators available for our classrooms for years to come.
Several educational organizations have recognized Sen. Zenzinger for her legislative work on behalf of students and educators including: the Colorado Association for School Executives (CASE), the Jefferson County Education Association, Colorado BOCES Association, Colorado Rural Schools Alliance, Colorado Association of Cyberschool Families, Consortium Directors of Special Education, Colorado Association for Gifted and Talented, the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, Colorado Association for Bilingual Education, the Colorado Community College System, and the Colorado Adult Education Professional Association.
Education bills sponsored by Sen. Zenzinger
2024 Legislative Session: SB24-188 Public School Finance, HB24-1448 New Public School Finance Formula, SB24-051 Adult Education, SB24-070 Remote Testing & Online Education Programs, SB24-132 Evaluation Protections & Educators, SB24-143 Credential Quality Apprenticeship Classification, SB24-170 America 250 - Colorado 150 Commission, HB24-1264 Supporting the Educator Workforce, HB24-1182 Department of Early Childhood Supplemental, HB24-1183 Department of Education Supplemental, HB24-1186 Department of Higher Education Supplemental, HB24-1205 Colorado Imagination Library Program, HB24-1206 School Food Authorities, HB24-1207 Adjustments to School Funding Budget Year 2023-24, HB24-1209 America 250 - Colorado 150 Cash Fund, HB24-1210 Higher Education Longitudinal Data System Report Deadline, HB24-1290 Student Educator Stipend Program, HB24-1340 Incentives for Post-Secondary Education, HB24-1376 Expand Teacher Mentorships, HB24-1389 School Funding 2023-24 for New Arrival Students, HB24-1391 Appropriation Authority Educator Licensure Cash Fund, HB24-1393 Accelerating Concurrent Enrollment Program Modifications, HB24-1394 Mill Levy Equalization, HB24-1395 Public School Capital Construction Assistance Fund Transfer Date, HB24-1402 Evaluation of Colorado Department of Higher Education Information Technology, HB24-1403 Higher Education Support Homeless Youth, HB24-1404 Financial Aid Appropriation Alignment, HB24-1405 Higher Education Special Education Services Funding Medicaid Match, HB24-1424 College Opportunity Fund Transfer to General Fund
2023 Legislative Session: SB23-287 Public School Finance, SB23-219 Supports To Students And Facility Schools, SB23-007 Adult Education, SB23-220 Public School Capital Construction Assistance Grants, SB23-099 Special Education Funding, SB23-281 Limited Transferability Of College Credits Notice, SB23-216 Colorado Universal Preschool Program Funding, SB23-094 School Transportation Task Force, SB23-225 Specialty Education Colorado State University Medical School Partnership, SB23-224 Colorado Commission Policies Postgraduate Student Exchange Program, SB23-221 Healthy School Meals For All Program Fund, SB23-218 Repeal School Transformation Grant Program Administration Cap, SB23-136 Adjustments To School Funding Fiscal Year 2022-23, SB23-118 Department of Higher Education Supplemental, SB23-115 Department of Education Supplemental, SB23-114 Department of Early Childhood Supplemental, HB23-1263 Translating Individualized Education Programs, HB23-1241 Task Force To Study K-12 Accountability System, HB23-1089 Special Education Services For Students In Foster Care, HB23-1001 Expanding Assistance For Educator Programs
2022 Legislative Session: SB22-008 Higher Education Support for Foster Youth, SB22-054 Recommend Community School for Turnaround Plan, SB22-064 Neighborhood Youth Organizations, SB22-085 Colorado Safe Student Protection Program, SB22-121 Tuition Revenue Pledged by Institution Higher Education, SB22-127 Special Education Funding, SB22-137 Transition Back to Standard K-12 Accountability, SB22-192 Opportunities for Credential Attainment, SB22-202 State Match for Mill Levy Override Revenue, HB22-1009 Continue Workforce Diploma Pilot Program, HB22-1057 Public Employees' Retirement Association Employment After Teacher Retirement, HB22-1101 Public Employees’ Retirement Association Service Retiree Employment in Rural Schools, HB22-1202 At-risk Student Measure For School Finance, HB22-1220 Removing Barriers To Educator Preparation, HB22-1245 Foster Youth in Transition Program Clarifications, HB22-1248 Extend School Leadership Pilot Program, HB22-1255 Improve Higher Education for Students With a Disability, HB22-1258 Essential Services For Youth Special Districts, HB22-1294 Special Education Services in Charter Schools, HB22-1331 Supplemental Funding for Facility Schools, HB22-1390 Public School Finance, HB22-1395 Transportation Innovation Grant Program
2021 Legislative Session: SJR21-006 Interrogatory Regarding School District Mill Levies, SB21-017 Sexual Contact By An Educator, SB21-053 Adjustments To School Funding Fiscal Year 2020-21, SB21-104 Sunset Special Education Fiscal Advisory Committee, SB21-115 Annual Funding For Talking Book Library Services, SB21-179 Colorado Opportunity Scholarship Initiative Advisory Board, SB21-185 Supporting Educator Workforce In Colorado, SB21-254 Eliminate Obsolete Committee Child Care Licensing, SB21-268 Public School Finance, HB21-1094 Foster Youth In Transition Program, HB21-1104 Professional Educator Licensure Renewal Period, HB21-1125 Suspend State Assessments 2020-21 School Year, HB21-1161 Suspend Statewide Assessments for Select Grades, HB21-1164 Total Program Mill Levy Tax Credit, HB21-1325 Funding Public Schools Formula, HB21-1330 Higher Education Student Success
2020 Legislative Session: SB20-009 Expansion of Adult Education, SB20-006 Colorado Opportunity Scholarship Initiative, HB20-1260 School Finance Adjustment to 2019-20 Total Program, SB20-175 Assessment Score On A Student's Transcript, HB20-1002 College Credit For Work Experience, HB20-1366 Higher Education Funding Model, HB20-1128 Educator Requirements Regarding Special Education, HB20-1407 College Admission Use Of National Test Score, HB20-1396 Workforce Development Council Online Career Platform
2019 Legislative Session: SB19-003 Educator Loan Forgiveness Program, SB19-039 Interdistrict Transportation Of Students, SB19-102 Innovation School Operating As A Community School, HB19-1002 Leadership Professional Development For School Principals, HB19-1055 Public School Capital Construction Financial Assistance
2018 Legislative Session: SB18-069 Enforcement Statewide Degree Transfer Agreements, HB18-1070 Additional Public School Capital Construction Funding, HB18-1413 Create School Safety Grant Program, HB18-1193 Extend The Advanced Placement Incentives Program
2017 Legislative Session: SB17-144 Sunset Review Education Data Advisory Committee, SB17-123 Seal Of Biliteracy For High School Diplomas, HB17-1201 Science Technology Engineering Math Diploma Endorsement
2014 Legislative Session: SB14-124 School Turnaround Leaders Development Program, SB14-150 School Counselor Grant Program, HB14-1208 Authorizing Multi-district Administrative Units, and HB14-1085 Adult Education and Literacy Programs.
With hundreds of thousands of new residents in recent years, the Denver area’s highways and roads have turned into veritable parking lots. This means we are spending increasing numbers of valuable hours in our cars rather than with our friends and families. The dense, heavy traffic on our streets has also delivered a beating to roads and bridges, with repairs becoming dangerously imperative.
We should be able to safely get to work, school, and home with ease, without struggling to cope with increasing commute times and inadequate public transportation options. Rachel has made transportation a priority year after year – leading efforts to invest in our roads, bridges, and transit. Specifically, she championed a historic, bipartisan effort to increase transportation funding by more than $3 billion, all without raising taxes!
She has also brought forth legislation to streamline vehicle registration processes, making it easier for Coloradans to go through routine visits to the Department of Motor Vehicles office and ultimately saving them money.
Moving forward, Rachel is committed to continuing to make transportation a primary issue in the state senate. She believes we need to get creative on finding new revenue streams that can support our community’s transportation needs in the years and decades to come, without siphoning critical budgetary dollars from education and healthcare. She served on the Transit Alliance Board of Directors, and knows the value of increasing our multimodal transportation options as well.
In 2019, Sen. Zenzinger received the “Transportation Funding Champion” award from the Colorado Contractors Association for her role in forging a bipartisan plan to increase transportation funding throughout the state.
Transportation bills sponsored by Sen. Zenzinger: HB24-1235 Reduce Aviation Impacts on Communities, HB24-1266 Local Government Utility Relocation in Right-of-Way, HB24-1089 Vehicle Electronic Notifications, HB24-1012 Front Range Passenger Rail District Efficiency, HB24-1201 Department of Transportation Supplemental, SB23-049 Special Mobile Machinery Registration Exemption, SB23-133 Department of Transportation Supplemental, HB23-1276 Scope Of Bridge And Tunnel Enterprise, SB22-017 Fluid Milk Products Not Divisible Load, SB22-144 Public and Nonprofit Entities Rideshare Contracts, SB22-215 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Cash Fund, HB22-1114 Transportation Services For Medicaid Waiver Recipients, HB22-1162 Motor Vehicle Digital Number Plates, HB22-1339 Merge Department of Revenue Division of Motor Vehicles Cash Funds, HB22-1395 Transportation Innovation Grant Program, HJR22-1002 Study State and Interstate Highway Vehicle Weight, SB21-265 Transfer From General Fund To State Highway Fund, SB21-263 Outdoor Advertising Act, SB21-257 Special Mobile Machinery Registration Exemption, SB21-253 Women Veterans With Disabilities License Plate, SB21-238 Create Front Range Passenger Rail District, SB21-110 Fund Safe Revitalization Of Main Streets, HB21-1196 Update Senate Bill 19-263 Effective Date, SB20-152 Correct Senate Bill 19-263 Effective Date Error, SB20-052 Smart School Bus Safety Pilot Program, SB20-036 Emissions Inspection Check Engine Light, HB20-1392 Council And Parking Program For Persons With Disability, HB20-1376 Modify Transportation Funding Mechanisms, HB20-1279 Drunk Driving Enforcement Funding, SB19-205 Honor Service Of Women Veterans, SB19-263 Delay Referral Of TRANs Transportation Revenue Anticipation Notes Ballot Issue To 2020, SB19-262 General Fund Transfer To Highway Users Tax Fund, SB19-144 Motorcyclists And Malfunctioning Traffic Signals, SB19-092 Emissions Inspection Check Engine Light, SB19-017 Requirements For CDOT Colorado Department of Transportation Land Acquisitions, HB19-1255 Mesa Verde National Park License Plate, SB18-001 Transportation Infrastructure Funding, SB18-102 Odometer Reading Physical Vehicle Identification Number Verification, HB18-1354 Powersports Vehicle Written Warranties, HB18-1299 Electronic Filing Title Registration Motor Vehicle, HB18-1137 Reporting Requirements Department Of Transportation And Department Of Public Safety To General Assembly, HB18-1042 Private Interstate Commercial Vehicle Registration, HB18-1018 Human Trafficking Commercial Driver's License.
We all need an affordable place to call home, but as Colorado’s housing costs continue to climb, wages have largely remained stagnant. This differential has created a growing community crisis where long-time residents of neighborhoods are being forced out of their homes.
Sadly, COVID-19 has only compounded this issue – thrusting countless families to the edge of eviction.
In response, Rachel has dedicated endless hours to help renters and homeowners receive the assistance they need.
Some of her most meaningful pieces of legislation around the housing issue include securing more tax credits for affordable housing; establishing grants for low-income seniors to cover property tax, rent, and heating costs; and creating the Attainable Housing Investment Fund to help families with financing and purchasing a home.
Rachel also successfully helped to secure millions of dollars in federal funds for rental and mortgage assistance – channeling desperately needed resources to those residents negatively affected by the coronavirus.
Sen. Zenzinger was recognized by the Colorado Housing and Finance Authority (CHFA) for her legislative work to increase the amount of the tax credits that the Colorado housing and finance authority may allocate under the Colorado affordable housing tax credit program.
Housing bills sponsored by Sen. Zenzinger: SB24-174 Sustainable Affordable Housing Assistance, HB24-1434 Expand Affordable Housing Tax Credit, SB24-106 Right to Remedy Construction Defects, SB23-001 Authority Of Public-private Collaboration Unit For Housing, SB23-082 Colorado Fostering Success Voucher Program, SB23-110 Transparency For Metropolitan Districts, HB23-1189 Employer Assistance For Home Purchase Tax Credit, SB22-146 Middle Income Access Program Expansion, SB22-159 Revolving Loan Fund Invest Affordable Housing, SB22-164 Correction Property Tax Disclosure Information Metropolitan District, HB22-1051 Mod Affordable Housing Tax Credit, HB21-1274 Unused State-owned Real Property Beneficial Use, HB21-1083 State Board Assessment Appeals Valuation Adjustment, HB20-1410 COVID-19-related Housing Assistance, HB20-1262 Housing Assistance Justice System Transition Money, HB20-1164 Housing Authority Exemptions From Water Fees, HB20-1332 Prohibit Housing Discrimination Source Of Income, HB20-1370 Transfers From Unclaimed Property Trust Fund Housing, HB19-1228 Increase Tax Credit Allocation Affordable Housing, HB19-1085 Grants For Property Tax Rent And Heat, HB19-1084 Notice To Property Owners Whether Area Blighted, HB19-1319 Incentives Developers Facilitate Affordable Housing, HB19-1322 Expand Supply Affordable Housing, SB18-006 Recording Fee To Fund Attainable Housing, SB18-007 Affordable Housing Tax Credit, SB18-010 Residential Lease Copy And Rent Receipt, SB17-279 Applicability Recent Urban Renewal Legislation.
Rachel believes that a strong economy starts with sustainable, local businesses and good-paying jobs. But sadly, wages have not kept up with the rising cost of living in Colorado – causing more and more families to struggle to make ends meet. This issue has only been compounded by the Coronavirus, which has forced hundreds of businesses to close their doors and thousands to lose their jobs.
We need experienced leadership to build back Colorado even stronger, and Senator Zenzinger has just that. During her time in office, Rachel has continually advocated for small businesses and vulnerable workers – passing legislation to expand tax credits and raise the minimum wage. She has also fought to ensure that no matter your gender, race, or sexual orientation, employers provide equal pay for equal work.
Beyond defending fair wages, Sen. Zenzinger knows that with a rapidly changing economy, we need programs that help train and prepare students of all ages for 21st century jobs. Whether that’s helping connect adults to promising new industries or setting up high school students with apprenticeship opportunities, Rachel believes that the key to success is adaptability. We need an economic system that encourages Coloradans to learn and grow new skills that put them at the forefront of success.
Senator Zenzinger also understands that with COVID-19 battering our economy, businesses are in need of more help than ever. That’s why she has worked hard to ensure that local shops get wrap-around relief during these difficult times – sponsoring legislation to channel millions of dollars in grant funding to struggling businesses.
Colorado has been at the forefront of economic growth and development for the last decade, but the benefits of this success haven't always been shared. Rachel is committed to restoring our state’s economy while protecting equal opportunity and workers’ rights, because together we can build an economy that works for everyone.
Sen. Zenzinger has received the endorsement of the Colorado State Chamber of Commerce (also known as CACI), and was awarded “Legislator of the Year” by the Economic Development Council of Colorado.
Business and Labor bills sponsored by Sen. Zenzinger: HB24-1156 Chamber of Commerce Alcohol Special Event Permit, HB24-1160 Economic Development Organization Action Grant Program, HB24-1397 Creative Industries Cash Fund Transfer, HB24-1409 Employment-Related Funding & Workforce Enterprise, HB24-1410 Changes to Just Transition Office, HB24-1468 Artificial Intelligence & Biometric Technologies, HB24-1198 Department of Regulatory Agencies Supplemental, HB24-1326 Bingo-Raffle Licensing Sunset Review, HB24-1189 Department of Labor & Employment Supplemental, HB24-1192 Department of Local Affairs Supplemental, SB24-016 Tax Credits for Contributions via Intermediaries, HB23-1061 Alcohol Beverage Retail Establishment Permit, HB23-1084 Continuation Of Military Retirement Benefit Deduction, SB23-283 Mechanisms For Federal Infrastructure Funding, SB23-097 Motor Vehicle Theft And Unauthorized Use, SB23-231 Amend Fund To Allow Payment Overdue Wage Claims, SB23-232 Unemployment Insurance Premiums Allocation Federal Law Compliance, SB23-233 Employment Services Funded By Wagner-Peyser Act, SB23-297 America 250 Colorado 150 Commission, SB22-142 Repeal Municipal Bond Supervision Advisory Board, SB22-216 Reallocation Of Limited Gaming Revenues, HB22-1320 Achieving a Better Life Experience Savings Accounts, HB22-1333 Increase Minimum Wage for Nursing Home Workers, HB22-1341 Marijuana Tax Cash Fund, HB22-1415 Repeal Registered Manager Requirement Liquor Licensees, HB22-1418 Extension Of Certain Unused Tax Credits, SB21-232 Displaced Workers Grant, SB21-039 Elimination Of Subminimum Wage Employment, HB21-1230 Create User-friendly State Internet Rules Portal, HB21-1156 Fix Defects Related to Severance Withholdings, HB21-1155 Sales Tax Statute Modifications to Address Defects, HB21-1083 State Board Assessment Appeals Valuation Adjustment, HB20-1413 Small Business Recovery Loan Program Premium Tax Credits, SB20-213 Alcohol Beverage Retail Takeout And Delivery, HB20-1396 Work Force Dev Council Online Career Platform, HB20-1165 Interior Design Practice, SB20-222 Use CARES Act Money Small Business Grant Program, HB20-1326 Create Occupational Credential Portability Program, SB19-260 Entry Into FPPA Fire and Police Pension Association For Social Security Employers, SB19-085 Equal Pay For Equal Work Act, HB19-1084 Notice To Property Owners Whether Area Blighted, SB19-135 State Procurement Disparity Study, HB19-1166 Name-based Criminal History Record Checks, HB19-1236 Workforce Diploma Pilot Program, SB17-279 Applicability Recent Urban Renewal Legislation, HB17-1016 Exclude Value Mineral Resources Tax Increment Financing Division, HB14-1079 Monetary Amount Limited Offering Securities, HB14-1011 Advanced Industry Economic Development Funding, SB14-005 Wage Protection Act
Health & Human Services
Too many people can’t afford the health care they need, and with countless Coloradans out of work due to COVID-19, this problem has only been exacerbated. Every year thousands of people forgo vital medical treatment due to cost – forced to choose between providing for their families and their personal health. This is unacceptable.
No one should have to fear going to the doctor because of an enormous bill. We need a high-quality, affordable health care system that prioritizes people over profit.
As your state senator, Rachel has helped significantly cut costs on the individual insurance market, bring more transparency to prescription drug pricing, and ensure treatment options for those suffering from substance abuse. She has also worked hard to designate funding to critical health programs and increase access to treatment for behavioral disorders.
But there is still so much left to do. As more and more people lose health coverage tied to their employment, we must explore every opportunity to make health care more available, accessible, and affordable for Coloradans.
One innovative approach that Sen. Zenzinger has pushed forward is the expanded use of telemedicine. During the coronavirus pandemic, people have been afraid to go to their doctor – making virtual visits that much more important. In response, Rachel made sure that families have access to their doctor online by cosponsoring legislation that requires reimbursement for telemedicine services!
Rachel is committed to continuing to improve access to quality care. She will keep holding drug manufacturers accountable for price gouging – finding where unfair costs are being passed to consumers. She will protect coverage for pre-existing conditions and ensure that no matter the politics in Washington, progress in Colorado remains intact. And she will defend programs that serve our children, seniors, and low-income families, because no one’s age or economic status should prevent them from getting the care they need.
COVID-19 underscored the cracks in our care system. But Rachel believes that together, we can create a more sturdy, sustainable, and equitable health service for everyone.
Sen. Zenzinger was named “Legislator of the Year” by the Emergency Medical Services Association of Colorado for her work on expanding funding for EMTs and other emergency services personnel, and their first ever “Golden Ambulance” award.
Healthcare & Human Services bills sponsored by Sen. Zenzinger: SB24-008 Kinship Foster Care Homes, SB24-191 Host Homes for Youth, HB24-1384 Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics, HB24-1388 Transfers to the Nurse Home Visitor Program Fund, HB24-1017 Bill of Rights for Foster Youth, HB24-1146 Medicaid Provider Suspension for Organized Fraud, HB24-1400 Medicaid Eligibility Procedures, HB24-1401 Appropriation to the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing for Denver Health, HB24-1470 Eliminate Premium Tax to Health Insurance Affordability Fund, HB24-1416 Create the Healthy Food Incentives Program, HB24-1196 Department of Public Health & Environment Supplemental, HB24-1185 Department of Health Care Policy & Financing Supplemental, HB24-1187 Department of Human Services Supplemental, SB23-223 Medicaid Provider Rate Review Process, SB23-289 Community First Choice Medicaid Benefit, SB23-117 Department of Health Care Policy & Financing Supplemental, SB23-182 Temporary Suspension Of Medicaid Requirements, HB23-1228 Nursing Facility Reimbursement Rate Setting, HB23-1295 Audits Of Department Of Health Care Policy And Financing Payments To Providers, HB23-1300 Continuous Eligibility Medical Coverage, HB23-1305 Continue Health Benefits In Work-related Death, SB23-138 Appropriation To Department of Health Care Policy And Financing For Denver Health, SB22-210 License Supplemental Health-care Staffing Agencies, SB22-225 Ambulance Service Sustainability And State Licensing, HB22-1031 Consumer Right to Repair Powered Wheelchairs, HB22-1290 Changes to Medicaid for Wheelchair Repairs, HB22-1293 Medical Record Requests By Attorneys, HB22-1333 Increase Minimum Wage for Nursing Home Workers, SB21-038 Expansion of Complementary And Alternative Medicine, SB21-239 2-1-1 Statewide Human Services Referral System, HB21-1300 Health-care Provider Liens For Injured Persons, HB21-1146 Auricular Acudetox Professional Practice, HB21-1021 Peer Support Professionals Behavioral Health, HB20-1036 Align Emergency Medical Service Provider Statutes, HB20-1391 Behavioral Health Programs Appropriations, HB20-1385 Use Of Increased Medicaid Match, HB20-1362 Limit Increase to Medicaid Nursing Facility Rates, SB20-033 Allow Medicaid Buy-in Program After Age 65, SB20-212 Reimbursement For Telehealth Services, SB19-044 Colorado Department Of Public Health And Environment Emergency Medical And Trauma Care System, HB19-1326 Rates For Senior Low-income Dental Program, SB19-254 Nursing Home Penalty Cash Fund, SB19-209 PACE Program Funding Methodology, HB19-1301 Health Insurance For Breast Imaging, HB19-1233 Investments In Primary Care To Reduce Health Costs, HB19-1176 Health Care Cost Savings Act of 2019, HB19-1269 Mental Health Parity Insurance Medicaid, SB18-082 Physician Noncompete Exemption For Rare Disorder, HB18-1284 Disclosure Of Prescription Costs At Pharmacies, HB18-1329 Supplemental Payment Durable Medical Equipment, HB18-1211 Medicaid Fraud Control Unit, HB18-1094 Children And Youth Mental Health Treatment Act, SB18-027 Enhanced Nurse Licensure Compact, HB17-1045 Extend Home Care Allowance Grant Program, SB17-264 Funding For Behavioral Mental Health Disorder Services, HB17-1094 Telehealth Coverage Under Health Benefit Plans, SB17-207 Strengthen Colorado Behavioral Health Crisis System, HB14-1045 Breast & Cervical Cancer Treatment, HB14-1099 Optometrists Prescription Drug Authority
We need to embrace the science behind pressing issues like climate change in order to respond urgently and effectively to the crisis we face. That’s why Senator Zenzinger has made it a priority to lead with innovative solutions that protect Colorado’s natural resources and the people who rely on them. Because Rachel believes that sustainability and economic growth are not at odds with one another, but rather inseparable partners if we hope for a prosperous future.
In her years at the legislature she has worked tirelessly to improve air and water quality control during her time in office and has supported policies to preserve and improve our state’s natural beauty. Sen. Zenzinger has also championed legislation to protect public lands, expand the renewable energy sector, and hold polluters accountable.
However, one of Rachel’s most meaningful achievements is the 2019 Climate Action Plan, which set ambitious goals to reduce pollution and move our state toward a cleaner and more equitable future. With this policy and all climate legislation, Senator Zenzinger is committed to implementing a just transition while in pursuit of environmental stewardship.
Rachel proudly maintains a 100% rating from Conservation Colorado all four years she has served in the legislature and believes that by working together with conservation groups and scientists, we can build a healthier world and preserve Colorado’s beauty for generations to come.
Environmental bills sponsored by Sen. Zenzinger: HB24-1196 Department of Public Health & Environment Supplemental, HB24-1419 Transfer to Stationary Sources Control Fund, HB24-1194 Department of Natural Resources Supplemental, SB23-126 Department of Natural Resources Supplemental, SB23-139 State Severance Tax Trust Fund Allocation, SB23-238 Small Communities Water and Wastewater Grant Fund, SB23-239 Hazardous Site Response Fund Transfer, SB21-180 Recycling And Composting Enterprise Grant Program, SB20-041 National Guard Parks And Wildlife Benefits, SB20-201 Species Conservation Trust Fund Projects, HB20-1265 Increase Public Protection Air Toxics Emissions, HB20-1374 Repeal Waste Grease Program, HB20-1157 Loaned Water For Instream Flows To Improve Environment, SB19-212 Appropriation General Fund Implement State Water Plan, HB19-1261 Climate Action Plan To Reduce Pollution, SB19-070 Department Of Natural Resources Language Update, HB19-1050 Encourage Use Of Xeriscape In Common Areas, HB18-1139 Reporting Requirements For Park Fees Set By Rule, HB18-1274 Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2050, HB18-1271 Public Utilities Commission Electric Utilities Economic Development Rates, SB17-105 Consumer Right To Know Electric Utility Charges, HB17-1306 Test Lead In Public Schools' Drinking Water, SB17-259 General Fund Transfers Protect Natural Resources, HB17-1248 Colorado Water Conservation Board Construction Fund Project, HB14-1002 Water Infrastructure Natural Disaster Grant Fund, HB14-1326 Tax Incentives For Alternative Fuel Trucks, SB14-028 Expand Electric Vehicle Charging Station Grants
Veterans’ Services & Public Safety
Many of Sen. Zenzinger’s family members are current and former military members – giving her special appreciation for the sacrifice veterans and their families make. Rachel believes that our veterans deserve the utmost respect, and she has worked tirelessly to get them the support they need and deserve, especially during these trying times.
Simple gestures of appreciation are not enough for our brave men and women in the military, says Rachel. She believes we must prioritize policies that allow them to reintegrate into society after fighting for our freedoms. She advocates for programs that help expand opportunities for servicemen and women. One of her bills grants military members academic credit for college-level learning they gained during their service – allowing them to get a head start on an education when they return home. She also proudly sponsored a bill to increase the minimum pay for our National Guard because she understands the invaluable contributions that our guardsmen make in Colorado.
Rachel recognizes that our duty to our veterans doesn’t end when they return home at the conclusion of their service. They deserve a lifetime of gratitude through policy that prioritizes their health and well-being. As your senator, Rachel will continue to fight to help our veterans gain access to the services they need to thrive with their families in our communities.
Veterans’ services bills sponsored by Sen. Zenzinger: HB24-1420 Transfer to Colorado Crime Victim Services Fund, HB24-1421 Modifying Public Safety Program Funding, HB24-1197 Department of Public Safety Supplemental, HB24-1188 Judicial Department Supplemental, HB24-1193 Department of Military Affairs Supplemental, HB24-1190 Department of Law Supplemental, HB24-1462 Third-Party Audit Department of Corrections, HB23-1084 Continuation Of Military Retirement Benefit Deduction, SB23-125 Department of Military Affairs Supplemental, HB23-1053 Veterans' Cemetery Department of Public Safety Gifts Grants Donations, SJR23-008 Police Week And Peace Officers' Memorial Day, HB23-1135 Penalty For Indecent Exposure In View Of Minors, SJR22-006 Police Week and Peace Officers' Memorial Day, HJR22-1006 Military, Veterans, Missing in Action/Prisoner of War Appreciation Day, SB21-253 Women Veterans With Disabilities License Plate, SB20-091 Minimum Pay For State Military Forces, SB20-069 Disabled Veterans Free State Park Access, SB20-041 National Guard Parks And Wildlife Benefits, HB17-1054 Community-military Cooperation, SB19-205 Honor Service Of Women Veterans, HB17-1004 College Credit For Military Education And Training, SB20-178 Woman Veteran Disability License Plate, SR18-004 Great Outdoors Colorado And Veterans Programs, SB18-157 Colorado Women's Veterans Act
Elderly & Disabled
Too often, the needs of our elderly and disabled citizens in Colorado are overlooked. But Sen. Zenzinger has repeatedly demonstrated her advocacy and support for these vulnerable populations.
Rachel has protected affordable healthcare rates and program flexibility for low-income seniors – tackling prescription drug prices and encouraging the industry to behave in the most ethical manner. She also supports legislation to continue increasing transparency standards on drug manufacturers, so that folks aren’t blindsided by hidden costs they can’t afford. Too many of our seniors and disabled citizens are rationing medications or being forced to eliminate them entirely in the face of such astronomical prescription prices; and Rachel believes that we must end this dangerous cycle and ensure that seniors and people with disabilities get access to appropriate healthcare.
Sen. Zenzinger is also committed to supporting Coloradans with disabilities so that they have the necessary services to live successful, independent lives. She understands that people with disabilities deserve the same opportunities to pursue their goals, and she believes that by making Colorado’s resources more accessible to them, we will allow these valuable community members to maximize their potential and live with dignity.
Sen. Zenzinger was awarded “Legislator of the Year” in 2019 from Alliance Colorado for her work on behalf of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. She also received “Legislator of the Year” from the Developmental Disabilities Resource Center in Jefferson County, again for her legislative work in support of people with IDD.
Senior and disability services bills sponsored by Sen. Zenzinger: HB24-1211 State Funding for Senior Services Contingency Fund, HB24-1407 Community Food Assistance Provider Grant Program, HB24-1408 Expenditures for Care Assistance Programs, HB24-1276 Sunset Process Commission Deaf Hard of Hearing Deafblind, SB22-210 License Supplemental Health-care Staffing Agencies, HB22-1031 Consumer Right to Repair Powered Wheelchairs, HB22-1114 Transportation Services For Medicaid Waiver Recipients, HB22-1290 Changes to Medicaid for Wheelchair Repairs, HB22-1320 Achieving a Better Life Experience Savings Accounts, HB22-1333 Increase Minimum Wage for Nursing Home Workers, SB21-038 Expansion of Complementary And Alternative Medicine, HB19-1062 Grand Junction Regional Center Campus, HB18-1334 Extend Transitional Jobs Program, HB17-1045 Extend Home Care Allowance Grant Program, HB20-1392 Council And Parking Program For Persons With Disability, HB19-1332 Telephone Users Disabilities Fund Talking Book Library, SB20-029 Cost Of Living Adjustment For Colorado Works Program, HB20-1197 2-1-1 Statewide Human Services Referral System, SB18-174 Service Providers For Persons With Developmental Disabilities, HB20-1422 Food Pantry Assistance Grant Program, SB17-011 Study Transportation Access For People With Disabilities, HB18-1407 Access To Disability Services And Stable Workforce, HB17-1284 Data System Check For Employees Serving At-risk Adults, HB14-1373 Senior & Disabled Veteran Property Tax Exemption, SB14-098 Crimes Against At-risk Elders
State Budget
In Colorado, state legislators work within strict parameters to balance the Colorado budget every year, and Sen. Zenzinger has been at the hub of those efforts in her position on the Joint Budget Committee. Allocation of limited resources to critical state services is a tightrope act that requires expertise and skill. Rachel understands that it is her duty on the Joint Budget Committee to make sure that taxpayer dollars are allocated in the most effective way possible.
As the Chair of the JBC, she has faced the task of making sure our state can weather the ups and downs of the economy while still ensuring our most vulnerable citizens aren’t left out. In her position on the JBC, she is entrusted by constituents and colleagues to make difficult choices on the way toward a balanced budget. Her priority is the pursuit of the health, safety, and well-being of all Coloradans; and in her time on the JBC, Rachel’s leadership has guided the Legislature in passing a budget that sets Colorado up for success.
In addition to serving on the Joint Budget Committee, Sen. Zenzinger is the current Vice Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee.
Budget bills sponsored by Sen. Zenzinger: HB24-1430 2024-25 Long Appropriations Bill, HB24-1426 Controlled Maintenance Trust Fund Transfer, HB24-1427 Public Employees' Retirement Association Study Conducted by an Actuarial Firm, HB24-1429 Transfer from Unused State-Owned Real Property Fund, HB24-1202 Department of Treasury Supplemental, HB24-1458 Create Division of Animal Welfare in Department of Agriculture, HB24-1203 Capital Construction Supplemental, HB24-1465 Program Changes Refinance Coronavirus Recovery Funds, HB24-1466 Refinance Federal Coronavirus Recovery Funds, HB24-1469 Collections for Another Government, HB24-1467 Modifications to the State Personnel Total Compensation, HB24-1422 Capital Renewal Project Cost Threshold, HB24-1204 Capital Construction Information Technology, HB24-1199 Department of Revenue Supplemental, HB24-1411 Increase in Property Tax Exemption Filing Fees, HB24-1414 Repeal COVID Heroes Collaboration Fund, HB24-1415 State Employee Reserve Fund, HB24-1195 Department of Personnel Supplemental, HB24-1200 Department of State Supplemental, SB24-1213 General Fund Transfer Judicial Collection Enhancement, HB24-1191 Legislative Department Supplemental, HB24-1184 Department of Governor, Lt Governor, & OSPB Supplemental, HB24-1180 Department of Agriculture Supplemental, HB24-1181 Department of Corrections Supplemental, SB24-217 Office of Administrative Services for Independent Agencies, SB24-215 Modify Effective Date of House Bill 24-1421, SB23-214 2023-24 Long Bill, SB23-215 State Employee Reserve Fund General Fund Transfer, SB23-127 Department Of Personnel Supplemental, SB23-128 Department of Public Health & Environment Supplemental, SB23-129 Department of Public Safety Supplemental, SB23-130 Department of Regulatory Agencies Supplemental, SB23-131 Department of Revenue Supplemental, SB23-132 Department of State Supplemental, SB23-294 Increase General Fund Transfers To Capital Construction Fund, SB23-227 State Agency Attorney Hourly Rate, SB23-112 Department of Agriculture Supplemental, SB23-113 Department of Corrections Supplemental, SB23-116 Department of Governor, Lt. Governor, & OSPB Supplemental, SB23-142 Information Technology Project Appropriation Process, SB23-217 Separating Fees In Records And Reports Cash Fund, SB23-235 Department Of Law Funds For Unanticipated State Legal Needs, SB23-140 Fentanyl Study Deadline And Appropriation, HB22-1329 2022-23 Long Bill, SB23-119 Department of Human Services Supplemental, SB23-120 Judicial Department Supplemental, SB23-121 Department of Labor & Employment Supplemental, SB23-122 Department of Law Supplemental, SB23-123 Legislative Department Supplemental, SB23-124 Department of Local Affairs Supplemental, SB23-134 Department of Treasury Supplemental, SB23-135 Capital Construction Supplemental, SB23-242 Community Corrections Financial Audit, SB23-243 General Fund Transfers To Capital Construction Fund, SB23-244 Technology Accessibility Cleanup, SB23-245 Transfer To Revenue Loss Restoration Cash Fund, SB23-246 State Emergency Reserve, SB22-215 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Cash Fund, SB22-216 Reallocation Of Limited Gaming Revenues, HB22-1331 Supplemental Funding for Facility Schools, HB22-1333 Increase Minimum Wage for Nursing Home Workers, HB22-1334 Food Distribution Program Administrative Fee, HB22-1336 Streamline Processing of Judicial Department Collections, HB22-1339 Merge Department of Revenue Division of Motor Vehicles Cash Funds, HB22-1340 Capital-related Transfers of Money, HB22-1341 Marijuana Tax Cash Fund, HB22-1390 Public School Finance, SB21-053 Adjustments To School Funding Fiscal Year 2020-21, SB21-268 Public School Finance, SB21-265 Transfer From General Fund To State Highway Fund, HB21-1325 Funding Public Schools Formula, HB20-1360 2020-21 Long Bill, SB19-207 FY 2019-20 Long Bill, SB20-134 Estimate Of Non-fee Sources Of Cash Fund Revenue, HB20-1423 Suspend Scheduled State Legislator Salary Increase, HB20-1391 Behavioral Health Programs Appropriations, HB20-1377 Fund Controlled Maintenance Projects, HB20-1362 Limit Increase to Medicaid Nursing Facility Rates, HB20-1389 Suspend Transfers Child Welfare Services Cash Fund, HB20-1369 Reduce Prosecution Training Appropriation, HB20-1368 Delay Implementation Of House Bill 19-1229, HB20-1371 Delay Substance Use And Mental Health Services Grant Program, HB20-1397 Eliminate Colorado Department Of Public Health And Environment Support Of Certain Boards, HB20-1375 Repeal Law Enforcement Grant Appropriation Roll-forward, SB20-152 Correct Senate Bill 19-263 Effective Date Error, HB20-1400 Temporary Modification Of Limited Gaming Tax Revenue Allocation, HB20-1381 Cash Fund Transfers General Fund, HB20-1380 Move Tobacco Litigation Settlement Moneys General Fund, HB20-1378 Capital-related Transfers Of Money, HB20-1388 Statutory Provisions Divert General Fund Reversions, HB20-1400 Temporary Modification Of Limited Gaming Tax Revenue Allocation, HB20-1381 Cash Fund Transfers General Fund, HB20-1260 School Finance Adjustment To 2019-20 Total Program, HB20-1385 Use Of Increased Medicaid Match